Feb 6, 2012

Valentine's Update PART 1

Well the update is here. The Royal Garden in Epic Wonders has been replaced by the Shadow Garden. Here's a screenshot.Anyways, my blogger is having an annyoying problem- never mind- whew,I fixed it. Well, there's a design a Jam-a Gram contest.I wonder if any of you could win, maybe you could! Bye for now!

Okay, so here's the deal

Here's the deal. I can't always post, I'm sorry I missed the update. I'll post about it right now. Sorry if you wish I was posting  more, I might quit. Nobody really knows me or appreciates my work..

Jan 31, 2012

Ignore This Too

Ignore This

Sorry, random pic I needed.

I'm back!

Hi y'all! I'm back! See, I was gone on vacation, but I'm back now! Bye!


Jan 23, 2012

Fuzzy Shyivy has returned!

As many of you may know, Fuzzy Shyivy was a famous blogger who has been around since Animal Jam's BETA period. She quit her blog, AJR, last March. Now, she has gone back on AJ and AJR. She forgot the password to her old account, VivaCandy, so she has made a new account. Fuzzy's new username is... CinnamonCake! Welcome back, Fuzzy!

Also, Fuzzy is the host of a glitch! Go to CinnamonCake's den and watch it spark!

Bye Jammers!

Jamma Peace and Pride to all!

Jan 19, 2012


The update is here! So, Heart Glasses, Bunny Hats, and Mohawks have returned! Also, the snake pet is here! And a new den to go with the new horses! The Ol' Barn Den! And there is a new Journey Book area: Temple of Zios! Sorry to all, but the walking on walls glitch is probably fixed, sadly. The Jamaa Flag is here! And in Jam Mart Clothing...A fence, a hay bale, a water trough, sunflowers, and a pitchfork. In Claws N' Paws, the snake pet is located  by the puppies. Once I get enough money I'm putting a Police Hat on my snake. A new animal is coming, I think it's a penguin. Bye for now!

Jan 17, 2012

New Header, a mascot, and a new name.

Hey Jammers. There is a mean jammer on the loose. This is taken from the chat log: Queen Cutebunny: she said to a panda: i bet nobody likes you hahahahaha. So watch out! Also, the poll says everything. The blog's name will be changed to Animal Jam Countrytime! We have a mascot: The elephant seen on the temporary banner. Her name is Countrie, and she will be our mascot for years to come! The new header will feature her once I get the thing to change from 'Glory' to 'Countrytime'. Stupid header... anyways, the update should be here soon! Also, my best friend olivercat's birthday is tommorow. Please comment to wish olivercat a happy early birthday! Tough18 is a scammer. I saw him scam someone for a horse plushie, chat log again! Commander Shywolf: please tell me how you got in the sky

Tough18: give me your horse plushie i will tell you
and Tough18 tells him.

Commander Shywolf: i dont get it! please i dont understand please give me it back

Tough18: NO!!


Tough18:  you dont have a dumb blog you ******* peice of ****! fat ***! 

Commander Shywolf: he said bad words, report him! give me my plushie back!

Tough18: NO FAT ***!
He left... So don't report him. I already did that, but steer clear of him!

Meanie... if you are over the age of 10, select the following text to see the censored words: Tough18: you dont have a dumb blog you fucking peice of shit! fat ass!

Tough18: NO FAT ASS!  

Steer clear of Tough18!!!

Now to other stuff... like our 200 VIEWS PARTY!

200 views/ Olivercat's Birthday party:

When: 1/22/2012, 9:00 AM CST.

Where: KittyLemonadeMeowz's den

Jan 15, 2012

So so sorry, and THE GLITCH

I am so, so, sorry! I forgot when my party was, oh I am so sorry! I hope you all had fun even though I wasn't there. So sorry!

Anyways, I'm going to tell you about.... THE GLITCH. There are so many places to do it. Treehouse dens, Sarepia Forest, Coral Canyons, Mt. Shiveer, and Temple of Zios are all I know as of now. THE GLITCH does not have an official name. I call it... Wallwalkers Glitch. Also, sorry that the blog's name appears as a period. I will fix that soon. Sorry that I haven't been posting in a while. I will show you how to do the Wallwalkers Glitch in: The Treehouse Den. I will later post on the rest of the Wallwalkers glitches.
                                                     Treehouse Den

Stand here. See the river water in the corner? Click that.

Switch animals.

When you switch, switch to the same animal! Otherwise this glitch won't work!

                            Once you're walking to the river water, click somewhere around the trunk of the tree, visible at the entrance. Then you've done it!!

Bye For Now, And Jam On!
